Leadership / Thinking / Reflecting

Leadership Moment — 21 Apr 23

“A man should take time to contemplate.”

Mark McMillion
3 min readApr 22, 2023


Ibex73, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Louis L’Amour wrote that in several of his books, usually in the form of a father’s advice to his son, recalled years later in a dire situation.

Jason Gay is a phenomenal writer for the Wall Street Journal. In his article published today, he talks about “the joy of a totally empty brain.” In effect, his take is where he was once most stimulated by the thoughts of others, now he achieves his best creative efforts in isolation, unplugged.

It seems to me people are afraid to be alone with themselves. I find this in myself sometimes. When I go to a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment and have to wait (which is always excessively long for a medical appointment), I look around and see everyone else waiting . . . on their phone.

I used to take a book so I could read. Now I pull out my phone and scroll. Sometimes. But sometimes, I just observe. Channeling my inner Yogi Berra, it’s funny what you see when you look around.

Ernest Hemingway said, “If a writer stops observing he is finished. Experience is communicated by small details intimately observed.” I stumbled across that a few months ago. Now when I’m waiting for something, I try to really, really…



Mark McMillion

Retired Army officer with two tours in Baghdad, married with four kids. Proud West Virginian and West Point grad. Works available on Amazon.