Fiction / Thriller / Excerpt

Taliban Strike

Excerpted from the book, Taliban Strike, available on Amazon

Mark McMillion
4 min readApr 14, 2022


Photo by 李 季霖. Used under the ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

February 2011

In North Waziristan, the Taliban high council was meeting. “The Americans continue to improve their positions. Yesterday, another village rose up against us, driving out our men who had gone to burn a school for girls. Little by little, they make gains and solidify. Last week, the Afghan Army not only stood and fought, they defeated our forces. If we don’t oust the NATO devils soon, the tipping point may be reached.”

“We must take the battle to the Americans! We must strike them in America and strike one of their heroes to make an example. Now, the fight is here, where our villages and our people bear the hardships and losses. The American media hardly even mentions us anymore and even when we kill NATO forces, it’s only a footnote. I say again, we must draw blood in North America as our al Qaeda brothers did. Only then, will the Americans taste and smell their own blood. We do not need something so large as the Twin Towers. No, we do not. Rather, let’s bring smoke and blood to their villages and countryside, as they have here.”

Everyone agreed they needed to take the fight to the shores of America but couldn’t agree on a target. Some wanted a high-profile…



Mark McMillion

Retired Army officer with two tours in Baghdad, married with four kids. Proud West Virginian and West Point grad. Works available on Amazon.